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 professional skin revision


clinical results.

The DMK Concept of revising skin aims to restore restore harmony, balance and the natural rhythm of the skin through its 4 step process of REMOVE, REBUILD, PROTECT, MAINTAIN.

Through a unique combination of state-of-the-art botanical science, innovative technology and the art of mimicking what the skin does naturally, DMK has created the most advanced skincare system in the world.

DMK’s revolutionary skincare system works with the structure and function of the skin – not just the surface. DMK’s formulations are designed to work with the skin using natural product ingredients that emulate the skin’s own chemistry.

for optimal results, it is recommended a minimum of 3 treatments & an at home skin regimen.

here’s the deal…


$200 - single treatment

PACKAGE OF 3 - $550

($183 per)

+10% off all DMK retail while in skin revision

PACKAGE OF 6 - $1,100 

($180 per plus $100 valued kit)

+15% off all DMK retail while in skin revision

PACKAGE OF 12 $2,050

($170 per plus $100 valued kit)

+20% off all DMK retail while in skin revision